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Showing posts from February, 2020

My Opinion about Amazon; Ethical and Unethical ?

A short description  about what is ethical and unethical.Something which is right and is supported by  the society is an ethical behavior. Unethical is any action that is not supported by the society or it is  disapproved by the society. Let me explain my words by a small video which will show an example of ethical and unethical business. Hope readers have understood about ethical and unethical behavior is . Now coming to my topic a company which is currently the top online business market shareholder i.e non other than Amazon whose founder is worlds richest man Jeff Bezos (Forbes). I would like to highlight the unethical practices by Amazon. 1.TAX EVADING: Tax are the major source of government revenue which is ultimately affecting common people's life. Government collects tax for public welfare like roads,railways,hospitals etc.B But Amazon is evading tax according to Matthew Gardener at the institute on taxation and economic policy,Ama...